So, as we all know, people tend to give me relationship advice all the time...even when I don't want nor ask for it. It's like an unwritten rule: Let's try and teach Gerald how to have a successful relationship even when he's persistent on being single. A lot of this comes from the "Relationship Hubris," a condition I'm still organizing for your reading pleasures, lol.
Anyway, with all these different avenues for advice, I've learned that some people need to learn how to keep their advice to themselves. All pieces of advice I list are completely true. Nothing was made up to make a point. The other issue is that I don't know if some of these work or not.
Gerald, you need to treat the girl like she's not wanted so she'll want you.
That's how I treat complete strangers. So, let me get this straight, if I treat a woman like I don't want her, she'll want me...okay...I can accept that. But what if I genuinely don't want that woman? Will she still want me? So every woman I don't want wants me?
And why would any woman want to be with someone who doesn't want them? That doesn't make any sense. That's like me hiring someone I know is going to quit in 2 weeks. That's a terrible investment.
Just be yourself
Thank you, Disney Channel. Even the dude from the Prince and the Frog had to become a frog before he got the right one. Not really himself. Just sayin.
Don't do it, just avoid relationships at all costs
Thank you, Mr. Jaded. That's probably the most self-defeating relationship advice I've heard
So, if you treat them like shit AND THEN love them, they love it and feel like they changed you.
1) This came from a girl...threw me clean off
2) This mess works. Like, I've seen this form of game pulled off by some swagless negroes and it has a very high success rate. Hell, I did it for awhile with ASTONISHING results. I guess this is more of a condemnation of its effectiveness than a criticism of the advice. Can't knock the hustle.
Just smile and nod, let them do all the talking.
If that's a condition for a relationship with someone, I don't want that someone. If you're wrong, you're wrong. If you talk all the time, I'll eventually get tired of listening.
There's plenty more, but Its saturday and I have stuff to do. What's some dumbass advice you've been given?
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