Nerd post? Nerd post!

So, anyone who knows me knows I play a lot of Video Games. My last video game writeup on Modern Warfare 2 was pretty popular, which I'm pretty thankful for. During a discussion I had with a few friends, though, a little notion was thrown around. A few of my friends made the claim that Modern Warfare 2 was the most important game to come out in the past 4 years because of the No Russian mission and what it did for Video Games as a visual artform. Although I do credit Modern Warfare 2 for doing great things through a very uncomfortable moment, I think I have to look at different game that didn't get a lot of steam but is opening floodgates through it's cult following and ambitious premises.

Atlus's Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 came out in 2008 and is considered by many to be the last great PS2 game. Following Persona 3, which was controversial for requiring the main characters to shoot themselves in the head to summon monsters that fight for them, Persona 3 lightens the shock value but keeps the engaging turn-base RPG game play. It also boasts a very compelling story with a lot of twists and turns and a beastly soundtrack.

For the record, the uniform jacket they all have is SO fly. I wouldn't mind coppin one if it, y'know, wouldn't get me lynched for over-nerddom.

What sets this game apart and makes it so important to me isn't inside of it's base mechanics, it's some of the decisions that the writers and localizers made.

1) Keeping Japanese culture interwoven throughout the game instead of "Americanizing" it.
One of the first things you'll notice in the dialog is the honorifics attached to everyone's names. Every character has a "-senpai," "-kun," "-chan," etc. attached to their names which will be very unfamiliar to American players. Also, all health products, spell names, and cuisine retain their Japanese identities. What feels like another world to the player is actually normal life (besides monsters and gruesome murders) for the Japanese, which is long over due in American gaming.

American Gaming suffers from cultural imperialism. It likes to impose American culture onto Japanese games. To market it better to American audiences, most localizers will strip all things Japanese since most American gamers will claim they feel alienated from the game. Atlus refuses to do so in Persona 4, opting to immerse the gamer into Japanese culture and have them learn about it as well as complete a well crafted game. Not only does the gamer get the opportunity to learn abut Japanese school, home, dating, and holiday customs, they learn that in many aspects, life for the Japanese and the American are extremely similar. Even the game play retains it's original Japanese flavor by not nixing the date sim elements that make up about 50-60 percent of the game. Half the game is traditional turn-based RPG, the other half is based on building friendships with your classmates, family, and (if you chose to) significant others. Date sims are just not done in America, so including these Date Sim elements in such significant portions was a huge risk that, by critical standards, paid off.

2) Kanji Tatsumi and Naota Shirogane
Yes, I listed two characters. How can two characters be listed?
Sexuality isn't explored in video games, for real. You may have a stereotypically gay character in a game, but most stories tend to stick with a heterosexual cast. One of the reasons for this is for an ESRB rating. Homosexuality is the quickest way to get a M or a AO rating, which will completely limit (or diminish) sales. Why homosexuality automatically garners a M or an AO rating is beyond me (*cough*HOMOPHOBIA*cough*), but to have a gay character in a game and explore their sexuality is not done.

Kanji is a male who has stuggeled with his gender and sexual orientation since he was a little kid and, even after his own personal resolution and the friends he gains, he continues to question his sexual identity and his feelings for Naoto. Naoto, a female who id entifies as a boy, opens up another can of worms in relation to Kanji and as one of the only non-stereotypical depictions of a Transgerered Male in video games. Their relationship with each other, their friends and the main character open up a lot of veins for discussion on sexuality that video games never touch upon. It is also, easily, the most provocative thing in the game. It begs the question: What is the ESRB really screening for? Why can such beneficial and useful dialog be restricted to "M" or "AO" rated games? Why is it okay to brandish swords and guns in Teen rated games but the moment that homosexuality and transgendered identity is discussed it's too hot for regular store shelves? Not only does Persona 4 bring a video game spotlight on sexual identity and politics, but it puts the spotlight on the discriminatory practices of the ESRB.
(We, as conscious gamers, *snicker* should probably be a little more outraged at the ESRB for this and call on their redefinition of their rating system, but that's a blog post for another day)

Persona 4 is an amazing game, one that was a perfect capstone for the Playstation 2 gaming console. It's not just because it's an RPG that gives SquareEnix games (FFXII, where where you at?) a run for their money, but because it retains it's true identity even through translation and breaks barriers with ambitious characters and situations. In my eyes, it's easily the most important game in the past few years and any game that steps up and makes the next few steps in the movement for Video Game legitimacy will have Atlus and Persona 4 to thank.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So, I'll preface this by saying that I had an exceptionally piss-poor day. Well, technically, it was yesterday, so there's no reason to fret anymore.

I got into a nice argument with a few of my students today. I asked them if it would be okay for them to be interviewed by a fellow student for a research project of theirs. What started a simple refusal immediately escalated into an interrogation of who I am as a person. I thought I'd address that here to bring myself some kind of peace of mind.

The question to me was : Am I a WashU nigga or a St. Louis nigga?

This is not an easy question to answer properly. Was I born and raised in St. Louis? Yes. Do I carry many qualities of the culture with me? Yes. Have I rejected certain aspects such as the accent? Yes. Do I attend WashU? Yes. Have I gone through the unique struggle that higher education brings? Yes. Have I rejected certain aspects of the WashU community? Yes

So the simple answer is "both," but it made me think.

One of my past students asked me about the St. Louis poem I wrote and performed at CUPSI. In it, there's the now-infamous "nigga" section. He asked how why there's such a fierce contrast between the celebration of St. Louis culture (both good and bad) and the indictment of the "other" that occurs in the second half. What I'm realizing is that is a direct reflection of many of the experiences that have at WashU where these two parts of myself are forced into direct conflict.

WashU fosters a fear of the St. Louis nigga. Its apparent in the safety precautions they feed to freshmen during orientation. It's evident in the e-mails they send about crime notices and the way that WUPD reacts towards the black population on campus. The only St. Louis nigga that most students HAVE to come in contact are the workers on campus. To add to that fostering of fear, WashU places limitations on how the workers can interact with students, even when they're off. For example, the open mics on campus are open to ANYONE who wants to spit, but we have been cited for allowing the workers to spit because "it creates an uncomfortable situation for students." Lord knows how uncomfortable it is to know that dude who gives you your food may have a shared interest.

I guess in a way to combat this as well as make themselves feel better, a lot of students reduce the St. Louis nigga to a charity case. This allows them to not seem like they're racist or classist while still exerting their dominance over the St. Louis nigga in a nicer way. (Even the wording we use to describe how we interact with the St. Louis community places us in a higher plane than the enigmatic St. Louis Nigga. More on that some other time.)

I've seen WashU as an institution do terrible things to my community. I've seen WashU students turn the St. Louis nigga into a joke, an animal, a lesser-being and justify it by using every Olin-library supported source they could find. I've seen people go into the neighborhoods of the people that disgust them and act like they have no right to call that place home.

I gained a loot of opportunities by coming to WashU. I met a lot of great people. I've had a lot of fun. I can't discount it, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that there was a huge part of me that hates WashU, and hates that I can be called a WashU nigga at the same time as a St. Louis Nigga.

At the end of the day, I'm going to graduate from WashU. I'll die in St. Louis. That's the way it'll be. Although WashU has done incredible things for me, my city has still done more and I won't let that be lessened by a school.